Kendall Jenner, younger sister of Kim Kardashian, rocked a bare breasted look during the Marc Jacobs show at New York Fashion Week, stirring up a media firestorm. The 18-year-old confidently strutted down the catwalk at the packed show, wearing a sheer tan shirt with no bra underneath.
Khloe Kardashian came to her little sister's defense, tweeting "Its a fashion show. She doesn't choose! #Clueless. She's too dope for you 2 understand! Yall would trade places with her in a second! The hate is real! Lol bye haters! #ModelLife #Simple."
She later back pedaled on her rant, "Oops I keep forgetting I'm supposed to be on my "don't sweat the small stuff" ish.... But I just can't pass up a good rant #SorryNotSorry."
This isn't the first time Kendall has casued controversy by going topless. Just days after turning 18, she posed in a photoshoot, wearing a see-through black shirt with no bra.
Source: Twitter
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