Adrian Peterson has finally released an official statement via Twitter, directly responding to the backlash stemming from his shocking child abuse case. Celebrities and fans alike have been actively tweeting about his decision to whip his son with a switch as a form of discipline, and he's been bombarded with a mixture of support and disapproval. Adrian currently faces up to two years for the bruises he inflicted on his child's body, and now, he's finally spoken out on his controversial form of discipline.
Adrian acknowledged that his decision to use physical force while disciplining his son was not the smartest choice, and he understands why some people have an issue with what he has done. He apologized sincerely to his own child, to the Vikings, and Minnesota for the negative situation that he has put them all in. Adrian did a good job of explaining his upbringing and how he was simply doing to his child what his parents did to him while raising him. He stated that he has since sought out help from a psychiatrist, and has voluntarily met with police and a grand jury to deal with this matter. Near the end of his lengthy message, he made it clear that he is in no way a child abuser.
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