Spike Lee released the trailer for his upcoming movie "Chiraq," which gained some critcismfrom Chicago rappers, including Lil Durk, Chief Keef, and Rhymefest, who said the famed director owed his city an apology. Now, Spike Lee is speaking out about his detractors during an interview with ABC Chicago.
When asked about the critcism of his new film, Spike responded by saying, "That sounds like those redneck crackers in the South. When Civil Rights people come down to Mississippi or Alabama, 'These rabble rousers come down here. We know how to treat our Negros good. We don't need nobody else come up there tell us how to work with our Negros.' Same type of mentality."
Spike previously spoke out against the criticism and made it clear that he wasn't trying to make light of the violence in Chicago with his new film.
"In no way, shape or form are we not respectful of the situation that is happening in Chiraq. In no way, shape or form are we making light of the lives that have been murdered with this senseless violence. So people, don't get it twisted. This film is about serious business," he voiced. "There's an old statement: 'I gotta laugh to keep from crying.' Well, I think that's apropos with Chiraq."
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